10 Wrestlers Whose Careers TANKED After Winning Big

2. ‘King’ Mabel

Otis Mandy Rose WWE Tanked

In fairness, following up on pay-per-view King Of The Ring winners Bret and Owen Hart with Mabel from Men On A Mission was one of Vince McMahon's boldest plots. It was also one of his worst, because the wrecking ball big man injured more wrestlers than doctors could keep up with in 1995. 'King' or not, Mabel was dangerous.

Red flags were popping up all over the place during his run to SummerSlam for a WWF Title showdown vs. Diesel, but that's when things properly tanked. Mabel slammed his full weight down on Kevin Nash's back, almost got fired immediately backstage, then failed to learn his lesson by smashing The Undertaker's orbital bone with a leg drop mere months later.

That's when Vince realised it was time to cut his losses.

The WWF did bring Mabel back for another run as Viscera between 1999-2000, and again as Big Daddy V between 2004-2008, but he was always a bit part player following the 'King' debacle. There was no getting around it - Mabel was and is the worst King Of The Ring ever. 


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.