10 Wrestlers WWE Don't Know What To Do With

9. Chad Gable

Chad Gable

Listen to Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Jonathan Coachman on Raw and you'd be forgiven for thinking Chad Gable was the next coming of Brock Lesnar. The announcers have made talking Gable's amateur wrestling skills up as world class a habit, but that hyperbole doesn't fit with the way he's actually used.

For all intents and purposes, poor Chad is a jobber to the stars.

This is the second time this has happened to him. WWE's decision to cast Jason Jordan as Kurt Angle's kayfabe kid split up American Alpha and left Chad in the doldrums in 2017. Then, for the purpose of filling a slot in the Superstar Shake-up earlier this year, his other tag-team with Shelton Benjamin was canned in favour of a Raw singles run.

Neither break up has helped Gable get ahead. As much as the announce trio on Mondays try, it's impossible for fans to take Chad seriously when he's whipped out of promising tag-teams willy nilly and presented as some weird mix between scrappy fighter and Sunday Night Heat stalwart.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.