10 Wrestlers WWE Don't Know What To Do With

6. Naomi

Naomi Lana

Naomi deserves credit for coming up with something fresh, keeping on at WWE's creative department to book the idea in the first place and then getting her "Feel The Glow" characterisation over. Her heartfelt promos have given way to time-filler appearances though, and it must be worrying for her to see others race ahead whilst she treads water.

Goofing around in dance-off segments with valet-turned-occasional-wrestler Lana is not the answer to Naomi's problems.

She's lost in the shuffle on SmackDown right now and, with a mini-push impending for the redhead, there's a real danger she'll slip into the spot Becky Lynch occupied until recently. That's not a good thing, and it's concerning to see that WWE have also failed to push her likable relationship with The Usos too.

It's almost like the company can't decide if interacting with the twins (one of whom is her husband) is beneficial to Naomi. Let's clear something up right now: it is, and it'd at least give her some direction. It's not like she has any at the moment.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.