10 Wrestlers WWE Don't Know What To Do With

3. The Bar

The Bar

Sheamus and Cesaro are at the other end of the tag-team scale. They've been a tandem for just shy of a few years now, successfully shed memories of their awkward start and used their real-life friendship to morph into the best team on the roster last year. Since moving to SmackDown this past spring, they've done next to sod all.

There's a prevailing sense that The Bar might just be coming to the end of their natural shelf life in WWE's eyes. On house shows, they're hamming it up in lederhosen and working comedy matches with The New Day or teaming with Shinsuke Nakamura to job for AJ Styles, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson.

The heavy TV presence they previously enjoyed is even starting to dwindle as well.

For a team who worked so hard to overcome the odd-couple formation angle in 2016 and legit became the best workhorse team on the roster, that's a shame. WWE don't need to split Sheamus and Cesaro any time soon, but nobody should hold out any hopes that a rift isn't on the cards this year.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.