10 Wrestlers WWE Don't Know What To Do With

4. Authors Of Pain

Authors Of Pain

Akam and Rezar are in exactly the same boat as fellow ex-NXT stand out Andrade Almas.

Following their debut on the 9 April Raw and sudden split from longtime manager Paul Ellering, reports that WWE didn't have much 'creative direction' for the Authors Of Pain surfaced in May. That right there should have been a big, bright red flag to both men. What was the bloody rush to debut them (and take away one of the best parts of their act in Ellering) if there was no concrete plan?

That stuttering debut cycle and the recent upstart feud against Titus Worldwide doesn't bode well for the AOP on the main roster, and this isn't the first case of a dominating NXT heel duo being undermined either; The Ascension, don't forget, were once NXT's longest-reigning tag champs.

The Authors are already playing second-fiddle to a comedic Raw Tag Title feud (The Deleters Of Worlds vs. The B-Team) and there doesn't seem to be much faith in their squash-match style dripping down from upper management.

There's time for that to change, at least.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.