10 Wrestlers WWE Has Wasted Since Last Year's WrestleMania

3. Lana

WWE often makes the worst of a great situation, but it's hard to fathom just how the company managed to screw up Lana's momentum this badly. Lana began what seems to be a future feud with Brie Bella on the most recent episode of Raw, one that couldn't be any less entertaining now that she has been dragged through the mud. Had the angle come about before Lana's credibility had been shot to pieces then things might be different. Not only was Lana demoted from a strong, fierce character to arm candy for Dolph Ziggler and reduced to a sexual object by The Rock, Vince McMahon found it fitting to punish Lana for her real life engagement while embroiled in a horrible love angle. Because how dare she have a love life outside of Vinnie Mac's personal world. It's extremely rare for a wrestler-in-training to reach the level of popularity the Ravishing Russian was at heading into WrestleMania 31, and while fans still chant their desire for Lana, the opportunity to capitalise has passed. But don't worry, Lana isn't alone in her misery.
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Lana Rusev
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Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden