10 Wrestlers WWE Have Already Ruined In 2022

2. Big E

Seth Rollins

It was a New Day, yes it was...

...for a bit.

Few World Champions have possessed the same level of unbridled support both inside arenas and on social media as a whole as recent Mr. Money in the Bank and WWE Champion Big E did over the course of his first run with the strap. Crossing over into the mainstream and representing the company as its leading face like he'd been doing it for a decade, The New Day powerhouse felt like the answer to Vinnie Mac's top level babyface attraction question he'd been asking since a certain John Cena went full Peacemaker.

But alas, we're never too far away from the boss getting his Brock out on national television and this time, it was at the cost of Big E's frustratingly underwhelming spell as champ. This was through no fault of the star himself, though, who again had done everything in his power to elevate the title and himself away from WWE's questionable writing team.

Yet, the sight of E joining back up with Kofi Kingston on SmackDown recently all but confirms his run as a top singles star is over. Hopefully just for now...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...