10 Wrestlers WWE Must Not Rehire

3. The Hardy Boys

The Hardy Boys Matt Jeff WWE

This fan was there at WrestleMania 33 when Matt and Jeff Hardy's WWE return brought the house down. It was pop of the night, which is really saying something when stars like The Undertaker, Randy Orton, Seth Rollins and countless others were on the same card. People were legitimately buzzed to see The Hardys.

A lot has changed since 2017.

Their duel AEW runs flat out sucked. Let's not pretend that Matt or Jeff could be considered some great loss to Tony Khan's weekly product. They weren't capable of producing top notch matches against The Young Bucks (or other teams influenced by the brothers) that All Elite chiefs badly wanted them to.

Recently, Matt has been posting a lot about the potential for he and Jeff to benefit from WWE's alliance with TNA. They'd get a decent (albeit smaller) pop, but what comes next? NXT doesn't need The Hardys in-ring, put it that way. Other teams already on WWE's books deserve those minutes more.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.