10 Wrestlers WWE Shouldn't Rehire

5. AOP

Braun Strowman Adam Scherr 2022

AOP pair Akam and Rezar aren't the first would-be promoters to make an arse of their upstart enterprise, and they definitely won't be the last. However, the circumstances surrounding their postponed/cancelled Wrestling Entertainment Series promotion makes for grim reading, and it'd be a miracle if fans gave the duo another chance.

Hell, it'd be amazing if wrestlers gave AOP another chance.

This writer isn't going to lie - he'd pop if the Authors Of Pain emerged as surprise one-off challengers for The Usos, or something like that. Such excitement would be extremely short-lived though, because... well, where do Akam and Rezar go after that?

There's no room for another squash match heel team on the WWE roster right now. The Viking Raiders kinda have that covered, and it'd slow their roll terribly if AOP roared back into view. Akam and Rezar might fancy another crack at playing promoter anyway, so maybe they wouldn't be interested in WWE's advances.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.