10 Wrestlers WWE Shouldn't Rehire

6. Lars Sullivan

Braun Strowman Adam Scherr 2022

Oh boy.

There are numerous reasons why Triple H wouldn't entertain Lars Sullivan's return. Firstly, he's been a bit of a PR nightmare in the past. Second, WWE's creative team genuinely tried to turn him into a head-turning 'Freak' who terrified all comers with his intense power-based offence and deceptively-intelligent promos, but it failed.

Nothing worked, and big Lars was eventually released in January 2021. Since then, he's spoken about anxiety issues. Obviously, everybody hopes that Sullivan can conquer those problems and find personal happiness, but that's another reason not to bring him back - being around the pro wrestling sphere, and the pressure-filled environment of WWE, probs wouldn't do Lars much good.

If he can be happy outside wrestling, then more power to him. From a strict business perspective, Trips has nothing to gain by persevering with an aborted push Vince McMahon desperately wanted to work out before finally giving up on it completely.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.