10 Wrestlers You Didn't Know Were Bodybuilders

5. Batista

Batista WWE

If there's anyone out there who thinks they're "too old" to start training or get in shape, take a look at 50-year old Batista on WWE TV in 2019. He remains in amazing physical condition, and he owes it all to a high-intensity, low-weight workout style that lets his body recover as he ages. That's what he told Bodybuilding.com this past January anyway.

That wasn't all.

Batista used bodybuilding as a way to keep himself on the straight and narrow. It was a means to keep him out of trouble during a difficult upbringing, but it was never something he felt comfortable doing professionally. In his own words, Batista said he "didn't have the build for it". Someone needs to replace the mirrors in his house.

Instead of entering competitions, 'The Animal' focused on launching a pro wrestling career and using bodybuilding techniques to sculpt his frame. He gave up any fleeting thoughts of comp work aged 30 and decided wrestling was the way to go.

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Alexa Bliss
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.