10 Wrestlers You Never Realised Were Signed To WCW

8. Christopher Daniels

The Great Khali WCW

Christopher Daniels has obviously gone on to have a great career with promotions such as Ring of Honour and TNA/Impact Wrestling, but the Monday Night Wars saw the current AEW star have spells signed to both WWF and WCW.

Having signing a developmental deal with the World Wrestling Federation in 1998, Daniels would start to appear for WCW in 2000 before eventually signing a deal with World Championship Wrestling in early 2001. What was unique about this signing was that Daniels was offered the contract after a match in which he’d botched a springboard moonsault and damaged his neck.

Still, WCW brass had seen enough in The Fallen Angel to offer him a 90-day contract. In typical WCW style, though, Daniels would be released from his deal before the 90 days were up - and without even having another match in WCW.

Interestingly, Christopher Daniels had nearly signed for WCW back in January 2000. The plan at that point was to debut the hugely talented Michigan native as the nefarious master of Vampiro. Those plans would hit a brick wall, and it would take until a year later for Daniels to finally sign with the company.

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Senior Writer

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