10 Wrestlers You Won't Believe Beat Roman Reigns

4. Damien Sandow

Roman Reigns Bryon Saxton

When you think of Roman Reigns' great rivals, you might think of names like Seth Rollins, Bruan Strowman, and Brock Lesnar. You'd be thinking for a while though before you ever uttered the name "Damien Sandow".

However, these two have quite the storied history, as we once again go back to FCW.

The two first met in an eight-man tag, where The Intellectual Saviour of the Masses was on the winning side. They then engaged in a tag team rivalry which saw Roman team up with Donny Marlow (who is now New Japan's Tanga Loa) to try and win Sandow and Titus O'Neil's FCW Tag Team Championships.

Then came the singles matches, four in total, of which Sandow and Reigns both won two each. The future Money in the Bank holder won the first match in August 2011, but then lost the pair's first televised match one week later.

Unfortunately, their feud was never reignited on the main roster, as the two men took radically different paths. Roman went onto become one of the biggest stars the company has ever seen, whilst Sandow is best known as the guy who used to dress up as The Miz.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.