10 Wrestlers You'll Never See In WWE

1. Kazuchika Okada

Will Ospreay AEW

Quite possibly the greatest wrestler working today and perhaps even of all-time, Kazuchika Okada has long been on the radar of just about every wrestling promotion worth their salt.

With wrestling icon Shawn Michaels being quick to note how The Rainmaker would "adjust fantastically" should he ever decide to sign on the dotted line with Vinnie Mac's company, it's clear some rather important WWE folks behind-the-scenes would jump at the chance to bring in the NJPW icon.

However, with Okada very much being New Japan through-and-through, not exactly relishing his last stint signed to an American promotion in TNA (classing it as "hell"), and even openly admitting to Rolling Stone back in 2015 that he was "not interested in WWE at all", deciding to kiss goodbye to his beloved New Japan in favour of a venture into Sports Entertainment feels about as unlikely a development as it gets.

And with Okada now being free to simply dip his toe back into the high-profile western TV waters like he did at the recent AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door PPV, all the money in the world probably won't be enough to persuade this legendary and fiercely loyal worker to make that much-discussed WWE move.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...