10 Wrestling Alliances You Completely Forgot Happened

3. Vader and 2 Cold Scorpio

The Undertaker Paul Heyman WCW

While they don’t obviously have too much in common, the late Vader and 2 Cold Scorpio are two seasoned pros who have impressed all around the world, veterans who can do the business in any promotion you stick them in. Neither is known as a tag team star in particular, but as a pair, Big Van and the former Flash Funk have a pretty impressive record.

Most notably, they were the first holders of Pro Wrestling Noah’s GHC Tag Team Championship, winning the inaugural tournament back in 2001. They dropped it a month later and the two wrestling nomads resumed their travels.

In 2010, however, they got the band back together at independent show Vader Time 5 (which they headlined - no prizes for guessing how they landed that slot). Vader and 2 Cold may have enjoyed their heydays in the early ‘90s, but they were a pair of great old pros who evidently held each other in high regard.

For Vader in particular this is hardly one of the most memorable parts of his career, but when you’re travelling the world as much as these two did, it’s good to have a pal along with you.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)