10 Wrestling Alliances You Completely Forgot Happened
4. Tyson Kidd & Jackson Andrews

The talented Tyson Kidd was given a whole host of angles to get him over, none of which quite worked. Most memorable were his association with the Hart family, of which he is a member by marriage, and his enjoyable tag team with the equally under-utilised Cesaro.
He also enjoyed the services of an absolutely colossal bodyguard for just under a month. In an attempt to recreate some of that Shawn Michaels/Diesel magic, the cocky but undersized Kidd debuted his enforcer, the gigantic Jackson Andrews.
Andrews seemed to have emerged from the recesses of Vince McMahon’s imagination, in looks at least. The guy was huge, and he made his presence felt early, putting the hurt on Kidd’s foe David Hart Smith. Then, he had one match with Mark Henry, was squashed, and returned to developmental before his release three months later.
Unsurprisingly, this did nothing for Kidd, who had brighter days ahead, but probably not the career he would have hoped for. As for Jackson, to be that big and still discarded by WWE, you have to be seriously inept.