10 Wrestling Angles That'll Make You Puke

7. The Big Show's Explosive Diarrhoea

There isn't much The Big Show hasn't done over his lengthy in-ring career. When he debuted in the WWF of 1999, the company pushed the reset button on the man. Vince McMahon stated that WCW didn't know how to book giants, but he would show them the way. Those words would come back to bite the boss hard, considering some of the angles WWE have booked Show in over the years. In 2003, he was feuding with Eddie Guerrero. Mexican stereotypes were of course brought into the equation, as the Latino star had ordered burritos to be delivered to the arena. During one episode of Smackdown, a borderline-racist representation of Mexico was aired, as a delivery boy (complete with a Sombrero adorned with the word, 'Mexican') bumped into Big Show. Spitting in Guerrero's food, Show told the man to deliver it to Eddie. As fans would find out, it was all a ruse orchestrated by Guerrero. The burrito Big Show ended up eating was packed full of chilli powder. Later in the show, the giant was goaded by Eddie as he literally had explosive diarrhoea on the toilet. The angle would expand to soon have Big Show doused with fake poop by Guerrero, using a sewage truck. Fans around ringside lost their own appetites.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.