10 Wrestling Angles That'll Make You Puke

8. Katie Vick

Speaking of complaints, WWE received a hell of a lot of them due to the whole Katie Vick saga. In 2002, the company were looking for some different things to try and gain attention. Traditional wrestling angles were deemed unsatisfactory, so more controversial options were discussed. One of those stories revolved around the idea of Kane being a drink-driving necrophiliac. This was around the same time that WWE were using such plot devices as faux-homosexual weddings and 'Hot Lesbian Action' to try and draw in fans. Absolutely every one of these stories ended up causing trouble in the long run for the promotion, because they either tricked people into thinking they were promoting tolerance (the gay wedding), or turned them off completely. Katie Vick fell into the latter category. Triple H called Kane out on the incident, which apparently happened many years before. The next week, he then adorned a Kane mask and simulated sex with a mannequin dummy, inside a funeral home. How this was supposed to make Kane a sympathetic babyface fans would wish to see defeat Triple H in a wrestling match was never explained.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.