10 Wrestling April Fools That Would Really Suck

10. TNA Take WWE's Attitude Towards Women Too Far

The furor surrounding the Twitter war between AJ Lee and Stephanie McMahon over how WWE treat the women under contract has largely died down, and it seems the company have taken some steps to try and convince their female employees that they're cherished and valued members of the roster. Of course, the Divas are still pretty much being portrayed the same way, but it's all smoke and mirrors. TNA are well-known for blatantly trying to ride the coat tails of Vince McMahon's promotion, attempting to piggy-back on their success and get at least a little share of the market WWE dominate. Needless to say, it hasn't worked, but imagine Impact Wrestling went one step further, deciding to release every single female under contract in a bid to show they can do what WWE are too scared to. The TNA Knockouts are amongst the most popular members of the roster, so this wouldn't exactly be received favourably by many wrestling fans. The division may not be what it used to, but it's still something a lot of grappling fans feel the company do better than WWE.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.