10 Wrestling Attires You Totally Forgot Famous WWE Stars Wore

10. Vader's Elaborate Headpiece

When most pro wrestling fans think of Vader, they picture the red mask the gargantuan man has used for the entire length of his in-ring career. Red and black are both colours closely associated with the 'beast from the Rocky Mountains', just as much as his catchphase, 'It's Vader Time' has lived on in the minds of fans. During his run in the WWF during the mid-to-late 90's, the big man discarded one of his more striking aesthetics, that being the massive headpiece he would wear when approaching the ring. Using the item mainly in Japan, Vader would bring the monstrous piece of equipment to North American audiences for his run in WCW during the early-90's. Spewing steam from various orifices, the horned helmet looked like something people might typically associate more with tag-teams like Demolition and The Legion Of Doom, but it was quite the eye-opening experience to see Big Van Vader strut down the ramp wearing the thing. Of course, he didn't wrestle with it on, because that would have restricted him immeasurably, but it did provide an intimidating sight for all who witnessed it.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.