10 Wrestling Careers We Wish Had Lasted Longer

5. Mick Foley

Edge and Lita

It seems a little odd to put Mick Foley on this list, partly because he took enough bumps for a hundred wrestlers (and to ask him to endure any more is technically an act of attempted homicide), and partly because - with his disheveled hair and laboured walking style - he always looked like he was in his late-forties.

Actually, Foley was only 34 when his run as a full-time in-ring performer with WWE came to an end, after he wrestled in the main event of WrestleMania 2000 (in point of fact, he did step back into the squared circle sporadically for feuds with Orton and Edge in the mid-2000s, before becoming TNA World Champion in 2009).

With so many great, era-defining matches under his belt, it's a shame that Foley's career was relatively short-lived. At the same time, though, taking his body to the very limit was exactly what made him so beloved.

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