10 Wrestling Champions Who've Vacated The Most Titles

It may seem like it at the moment, but Daniel Bryan isn't #1

Life isn't always kind, and when your business involves landing on your head and back, tragedy can strike at a moment's notice. Sometimes it seems downright cruel. NXT, for example, have lost two of their main attractions (Sami Zayn and Hideo Itami) within a single week, and both men look to be benched for months. In the world of professional wrestling storylines must be ready to turn on a dime should the unthinkable occur. At least neither of these men were holding a title when they went. Daniel Bryan isn't so lucky. Last night on RAW, his Intercontinental reign storyline, and his career as a whole took a melancholy turn, and he was forced to relinquish his third title after an unstoppable accumulation of injuries that have plagued him for over a year. Bryan wouldn't be the first to be stripped of a title due to injury and he probably won't be the last. Sometimes injury isn't even required, but rather the title is vacated for storyline purposes. This was especially prevalent during the cluster-nonsense that were WCW's final days. But of all the superstars in WWE and WCW, who's been stripped of titles the most? Who were the unlucky sods that found themselves having to give up the belt multiple times without being beaten?
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Daniel Bryan
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.