10 Wrestling Champions Who've Vacated The Most Titles

1. Ric Flair - 6

Wow. Six times, and that's only counting his involvement with WCW belts. Woo, Mr Flair. Woo. In 1978, Flair and Greg Valentine were stripped of the WCW Tag championships (then the NWA tag belts - WCW was part of the National Wrestling Alliance until 1993) for constant DQ finishes to their matches. The next year, he regained the belts with Blackjack Mulligan, but since he was also WCW US champion (again NWA at the time), he was forced to vacate the singles title as both couldn't be held at the same time in those days. Flair won the WCW World Heavyweight title (technically NWA, again) in 1991, and was forced to vacate it a few months later when he left the company for the WWF. He returned two years later and re-won it, but vacated it again in 1994 after a match with Ricky Steamboat ended with a double pinfall. Flair won the rematch. In 1996, he won the US title at the infamous Bash at the Beach PPV famous for Hulk Hogan's heel turn. A shoulder injury forced him to vacate the title before the year was out. One more: Flair won the WCW World Heavyweight title in May 2000 during a period of severe hot-potatoing - the dreadful David Arquette title win had occurred the month before and the company was in free-fall. The title reigns lasted a massive 7 days before Russo vacated the belt for tedious storyline reasons. And that's it. Cripes, that was a lot of information, 39 title vacations in all. Time for a rest.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.