10 Wrestling Characters Played By Multiple Wrestlers

1. Doink (A Bunch Of People)

Ric Flair Buddy Landel Buddy Rogers

The ultimate replaceable gimmick has to go to the sometimes whimsical, sometimes terrifying resident clown of WWE - Doink.

The first Doink, played by Matt Osborne, debuted for the company in 1992 as a cruel trickster. His pranks included throwing water over people, tripping people up with wire, and whacking people over the head with a prosthetic arm.

That last one doesn't seem very clown-y, but let's move on.

Including Osborne, five people have officially played Doink in WWE.

Steve Keirn, who also wrestled as Skinner, played the character's body double at WrestleMania IX and would occasionally play the role on house shows.

Ray Licameli played Doink a handful of times, including in the WrestleMania X-7 Gimmick Battle Royal.

The Brooklyn Brawler Steve Lombardi was the most recent person to wrestle as Doink in 2012, and then there was the version of the character who appeared at Money in the Bank 2020, played by... nobody knows. It's not anywhere on the internet.

Let's just assume it was Bruce Pritchard.

All of this is without mentioning the countless other people who have dressed up as Doink or played him on the indies.

He truly is one of wrestling's most endearing characters, and that is no laughing matter.

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Ric Flair
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.