10 Wrestling Characters Played By Multiple Wrestlers

6. Sin Cara (Mistico/Hunico)

Ric Flair Buddy Landel Buddy Rogers

The original Sin Cara in WWE was, to put it politely, a total disaster.

You'd hate to read what our impolite description of him.

As Mistico, Luis Urive was a sensation in Mexico, which prompted WWE to bring him in under the new name of Sin Cara. However, something happened when Urive put on his new mask, something that made him forget how to wrestle.

He botched move after move, to the point where it became a meme, and got himself suspended for a Wellness Policy violation just three months into his first run.

Not wanting the character to fade away, WWE introduced a new version of the gimmick called Sin Cara Negro played by Jorge Arriaga.

When the Urive returned from suspension under the name Sin Cara Azul, the two masked men actually had a feud that resulted in the evil Sin Cara unmasking and taking the name Hunico.

However, Arriaga's time under the mask wasn't done yet. He returned to the role in late 2013, whilst the original Sin Cara was having difficulties with WWE management. He eventually went back to Mexico, leaving Hunico to play the character for the next six years.

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Ric Flair
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.