10 Wrestling Characters Played By Multiple Wrestlers

7. The Conquistadors (Edge & Christian/The Hardy Boyz)

Ric Flair Buddy Landel Buddy Rogers

Los Conquistadores was the name given to a jobber tag team who worked for the WWE in the late 80s and early 90s.

Rather shockingly, this gold-covered duo made their return to WWE TV in the year 2000, although all was not as it seemed.

The pair acted suspiciously like Canada's favourite sons Edge and Christian, right down to their move sets. But it could have been E&C - video footage existed of them talking to the Conquistadors backstage!

The "Puerto Ricans" eventually unseated Matt and Jeff Hardy for the World Tag Team Champions at No Mercy 2000, using an Unprettier to win. Hmm, suspicious.

It turned out that Edge and Christian were the ones under the masks at No Mercy and had hired body doubles (one of whom was Christopher Daniels) to play the role backstage.

However, when the heels tried to consolidate their victory the next night on Raw, they were beaten by the Hardy Boyz dressed as the Conquistadors, which reverted the titles back to them.

Yes that is needlessly complicated, but the only thing that matters is that four of the most famous wrestlers in history all got to wear gold gimp suits on live TV.

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Ric Flair
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.