10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 1)

Daniel Bryan incurred the wrath of an angry Titus O'Neil in Saudi Arabia...

Dean Ambrose

Although he hasn't wrestled since December 2017 (due to a nasty triceps injury that will keep him out until later this summer), Dean Ambrose is still a WWE record-breaker, and one fact revealed this week shows just how much of a workhorse the guy truly is.

Nobody can touch Dean, not even his buddies in The Shield. Read on to find out why.

Joining the work ethic of Ambrose, there are facts on everyone from John Cena and Trish Stratus to Big Show and King Kong Bundy. Ever wondered why Bundy disappeared from TV for around six years in 1988? How about what Stratus really thought when WWE officials told her she'd be working bra and panties matches early in her career?

All of that and more is featured here, including a hilarious story from Daniel Bryan about April's Greatest Royal Rumble. Already knackered from his efforts in the match, Bryan was shocked by what Titus O'Neil did after falling flat on his face outside the ring.

It wasn't until Bryan saw what had happened seconds before on the big screen that he decided to cut poor Titus some slack...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.