10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 8)

6. WCW's Roadblock Jumped The Barrier As A Fan

Roadblock WCW
WWE Network

Only the most hardcore of fans will recall seeing Roadblock stroll down the aisle for matches against Lex Luger on Nitro or as part of the 60-man Battle Royal at WCW's World War 3 pay-per-view in 1996. His run was short-lived, but it nearly never happened at all.

Roadblock had to quite literally force his way into pro wrestling.

On Jim Cornette's podcast, the legendary manager told Roadblock's story. When the big man was eager to start training in the late-1980s, he actually jumped the barrier during a Hulk Hogan vs. One Man Gang match and attacked the heel. According to the future WCW jobber's logic, this was supposed to impress Hulk and show how tough he was.

Somehow, it worked. As ill-advised as it was for a fan to physically attack someone, Roadblock managed to squeeze his way into the business by getting his name out there. Let's hope it was worth it for one pay-per-view pay day and a few losses on TV around a decade later.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.