10 Wrestling Facts We Didn’t Know Last Week (1 Nov)

6. WWE's Corvette Stunt Was Almost A Flop

Vince, Corvette, Cement, Austin

Steve Austin filling Mr. McMahon's brand new Corvette with concrete on the 12 October, 1998 Raw remains one of the Attitude era's most brilliant sketches. It came at the height of the Austin vs. McMahon feud, and it made the former look like a rebellious bad-ass.

Had it not been for Bruce Prichard's last-minute scheming, the entire stunt might've flopped. Stunt coordinators realised they couldn't fill the car with cement with the top down and keep the adhesive in. Worse, they were struggling to get a good camera angle with the convertible's roof closed.

That's when Bruce stepped in and suggested they roll up the windows without the top. Then, they'd get the visual of the glass bursting under pressure. Vince thought that'd look pretty dumb, and he wasn't sold until seeing the end result live.

Without Prichard's window idea, the segment wouldn't have been so iconic.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.