10 Wrestling Facts We Didn’t Know Last Week (15 Nov)

2. John Cena Ate Up To Three Boxes Of Tic Tacs A Day

John Cena Vs The Miz

McMahon could've done with a handful of John Cena's Tic Tacs post-joint.

On The Kelly Clarkson Show, JC revealed that his addiction to the tiny mints once got so out of hand that he had to reel it in lest he ruin his otherwise clean diet. Every performer has their own quirks before heading through the curtain, but Cena's was a bit mad. He'd consume up to three boxes of Tic Tacs before shows.

John was paranoid about having bad breath when he was working the microphone or going face-to-face with other workers mid-ring. So, in a bizarrely courteous display of peer consideration, he'd munch through countless mints and ensure he was minty fresh before every promo.

Things came to a head when Cena realised he was chowing down on around 10,000 calories of pure sugar before almost every taping. When he says "boxes", he presumably means crates, not three little packs of the itsy-bitsy confectionary. Wow.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.