10 Wrestling Facts We Didn’t Know Last Week (August 2)
10. Vince McMahon's Sneeze Shield
It's a safe assumption that almost everyone reading this already knows how much Vincent Kennedy McMahon hates sneezing. The lack of self-control bugs the WWE boss to the point he'll literally cut mini-promos on himself for failing to keep the sneeze at bay, and he detests it when others blow snot in front of him.
That's where his invisible shield comes in handy.
No, you didn't misread that, and it's not a typo. Bruce Prichard revealed on his 'Something To Wrestle With' podcast that Vinnie Mac likes holding up an imaginary barrier like he's Captain America. In particular, McMahon employs his made-up buffer from germs whenever Bruce sneezes, only because his employee favours the powerful, spontaneous combustion style of involuntary action.
According to Prichard, this was a regular occurrence back in the day when the pair were writing television, and he suspects Vince will bring the shield out of retirement now Bruce is back in WWE. Vince McMahon: The Winter Soldier.