10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week

2. King Of The Ring Win Kept Mabel In The WWF

It's been widely reported online this week that a backstage incident involving Shawn Michaels in 1994 caused major problems for Mo. As one half of the 'Men On A Mission' tag-team, Mo ended up taking 9 months off from the promotion, and says he contemplated suicide. Around the same time, Mo's partner Mabel was considering leaving the WWF. In January, 1995, Mabel and Mo were all set to depart the World Wrestling Federation. Mabel was prepared to back up his friend and seek employment elsewhere, until he was informed of booking plans for the Summer. Vince McMahon wanted to make the massive Mabel the 'King Of The Ring', which would lead to a top line push afterwards. Realising how huge an opportunity this was for his buddy, Mo agreed to stay on with the promotion. Acting as Mabel's manager throughout much of 1995, Mo was thrilled to see his friend hit never-before-seen heights in his career. It's fascinating to think that had McMahon not penned Mabel to win the tournament, he may have left the company. A lot of fans likely wish he had, because the 1995 King Of The Ring is regularly described as one of the worst Pay-Per-Views in history.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.