10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week

3. Bob Backlund Refused To Turn Heel Due To His Daughter

Riding high as the WWF Heavyweight Champion in the early-1980's, Bob Backlund represents a clean-cut champion from a bygone era. He'd also directly contrast with what was right around the corner. Dropping the title to The Iron Sheik, Backlund then watched as Vince McMahon Jr forever changed the wrestling business by revolving his company around the bronzed adonis, Hulk Hogan. When Hogan defeated The Iron Sheik for the WWF Title in January, 1984, it could be argued that wrestling was never the same again. Bob Backlund had reportedly refused to work opposite Hulk, because he didn't think the man had a legitimate wrestling background. Further to this, management didn't think a babyface vs. babyface confrontation would launch Hogan in the correct manner. Shortly after Hulk Hogan won the title, the idea of turning Backlund heel was brought up. Straight away, Bob turned down the notion, feeling he'd be letting down thousands of children across the United States. More importantly to Backlund, he felt that going rogue would cause problems for his daughter, who had just started school. This must be one of the most original reasons for knocking back a heel run in history.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.