10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week

8. Demolition Feel Feud Against Road Warriors Would Have Been Low Point

One thing long time fans often regret is that The Road Warriors didn't collide with Demolition in their prime. By the time Hawk and Animal made their way to the WWF, Ax and Smash had been joined by Crush, changing the dynamic of the team entirely. Bill 'Ax' Eadie was being phased out due to poor health and age, and an epic program between both teams would never happen. Incredibly, Demolition feel the feud would have been a let-down for fans hoping for something special. The re-branded 'Legion Of Doom' signed on with the WWF in June, 1990, by which time Eadie was already in poor health. Henceforth, Crush joined their ranks, and Demolition was never the same. Things could have been different had The Road Warriors joined the company just a year or so earlier. According to Ax and Smash, fans would have been disappointed by a major feud that involved Crush. Without slating the in-ring abilities of the man, Demolition realise that Crush was tacked on, and it watered the team down badly. For years, fans have been under the impression that Demolition would have welcomed a feud with Animal and Hawk, but it seems that's not the case.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.