10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (13 March)

1. Undertaker Won't Appear On TV Before WrestleMania

Fresh reports coming out this week suggest The Undertaker will not be seen on WWE television until the legendary wrestler makes his way down the aisle for his match against Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania. The biggest reason for this is that Vince McMahon feels the man's first appearance should be after almost a full year, and he shouldn't be wheeled out in front of fans until it's go-time for the 'Mania bout. The thinking behind this is simple, revolving around the fact that 'Taker should definitely be a special attraction these days, and fans should be made to wait in anticipation for seeing him for the first time following his loss at WrestleMania XXX to Brock Lesnar. With the streak now over, how WWE handle The Undertaker going forward is extremely important. Simply throwing him out there on Monday Night Raw to pop a quick quarter rating wouldn't do much in the long term, and the feeling is that he means more if used sparingly. Even the mere mention of his name on shows draws interest, which really shows the power of the character. What other stories and facts have been catching your eye this week? What do you think of the items listed here? Let us know down in the comments section below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.