10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (13 March)

2. NXT Contrasts Heavily With Main Roster Mentality

Following on from the Bill DeMott story, it wasn't only at the Performance Centre that the trainer experienced problems with talent. Kevin Owens, who recently entered the WWE system, quickly winning the NXT Championship just two months after his debut, didn't see eye-to-eye with DeMott whilst planning his match with Sami Zayn at NXT TakeOver: Rival in February. Complaining to Triple H about DeMott not agreeing with the bulk of what he had in mind, Owens was pleased when The Game over-ruled the agent, effectively saying that there are some wrestlers you just let wrestle. This will also please fans, who are raving about the exciting freedom noticeable during NXT matches. The mentality prevalent in the developmental portion of WWE's product contrasts heavily with how business is conducted on the main roster, where everything is analysed multiple times over, and matches have to follow strict guidelines. It seems for Triple H, giving performers the freedom to cut their own promos and come up with their own matches is critical, and that may have been the straw that broke the camel's back for DeMott.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.