10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Nov 28)

1. Vince McMahon Was Utterly Baffled By Raven Signing

Following successful periods in both ECW and WCW, Raven re-joined the WWF in the year 2000. This time, there were hopes that he'd be able to make a success of himself, but the man would largely be placed in the mid card pack. Much to Raven's surprise, Vince McMahon didn't even seem to know that he'd been hired. Even Chris Jericho seemed stunned by the news when Raven broke it to him during a podcast interview recently. Whilst speaking to Michael Hayes backstage, Raven was shocked to learn that McMahon wanted to know who "had hired Johnny Polo". This is intriguing, because it shows that (in 2000, at least), Vince wasn't fully aware of everyone who was on his roster. Even more stunningly, he didn't really seem to know that his one-time co-commentator had created a new character in ECW. At that moment, Raven knew he'd struggle to get to the top in the promotion. If the boss didn't even know who he was, or what he was doing there, it didn't bode well. After years of toiling in amongst the glut of other wrestlers in the middle of the card, Raven was released in January, 2003.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.