10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (16 Nov)

2. The Godfather Taught The DOA How To Ride Motorcycles

Disciples Of Apocalypse

The Disciples Of Apocalypse were a bad-ass motorcycle gang who didn't know how to ride motorcycles.

That is not a joke. In an interview with Wrestling Inc, The Godfather said he was the one tasked with teaching Crush, Chainz, Skull and 8-Ball how to ride, and he did it in between his own segments backstage in arena parking lots. Otherwise, they'd have looked like biker gang chumps who couldn't start a Harley.

As a bonus story, Godfather told how he popped a wheelie and started burning out a bike's front tyre against a nearby wall. That caused a disgusted Vinnie Mac to stick his head out of the back doors and chastise his employee for being so careless with one of the motorcycles he'd purchased for the DOA gimmick.

Suitably admonished, Godfather went back to showing his peers how to start the cycle, rev it, ride it and park so they had some clue before going through the curtain. If you watch early DOA appearances, you'll see some concerned looks on their faces as they roll down the aisle.

They were clueless about bikes.

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Ronda Rousey
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