10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (18 Oct)

8. Drew McIntyre Was Only 30% Healthy Against Ricochet

Ricochet Drew McIntyre

That 'King Of The Ring' match between Drew McIntyre and Ricochet from the 26 August edition of Raw is worth a second look. Revisit it and you might be able to spot that McIntyre wasn't operating at the top of his game. Emphasis on might, because the burly Scot entered a typically slick performance that night.

He did that despite being 30% healthy.

Drew told WWE's 'The Bump' that he wasn't exactly in tippy-top shape for the tournament bout. Though he didn't go in-depth on what his injury problem was, McIntyre did reveal that it wasn't a broken bone or torn muscle. Still, he was hurt going into the match and had to grit his teeth to get through it.

It's been around seven weeks now since Drew last worked. Again, go back and have another watch of the Ricochet stormer. It's notable that, injury and all, McIntyre did everything in his power to make Rico look like the man.

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