10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (April 10)

10. Smackdown Is Moving To The USA Network

Initially, Smackdown aired on Thursday evenings, but WWE made the decision to switch things up in 2005, switching to a Friday night slot which is traditionally a harder slot to guarantee big ratings for. Regardless, the show did well in that time slot, although it seems the company were always looking to move back to Thursdays when the opportunity presented itself. In January, 2015, WWE were able to negotiate a change with SyFy to have the blue brand airing on Thursdays once more. The change hasn't really had a dramatic effect on ratings, but WWE seem more comfortable with reverting back to their Monday and Thursday main show format. In truth, any switch of day wouldn't really have an impact on talent, because the show is still taped on Tuesdays anyway. This week, the USA Network announced that Smackdown would begin airing on their network in the first quarter of 2016, which would mean that both Monday Night Raw and Smackdown will be on the same channel for the first time. On the surface, this might not seem like massive news, but it's likely USA Network are paying handsomely for the additional content from WWE, which can only be viewed as a good thing.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.