10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (April 13)

7. Johnny Gargano Doesn't Think His Matches Are Very Good

Johnny Gargano Candice LeRae

He may call himself "Johnny Wrestling" and be one of NXT's most accomplished performers, but Johnny Gargano doesn't really think his matches are all that special compared to the ones he grew up watching.

When appearing on the In This Corner podcast, Gargano revealed that he rarely (if ever) thinks his matches are good when he's in the moment, and he judges them on the ones he remembers as a child. If that's the case with that Tomasso Ciampa match at NXT TakeOver: New Orleans, then we're sorry Johnny, because you're wrong about that one.

Maybe Gargano was just being modest in the interview. When asked what he attributes his growing popularity to, Johnny guessed it was because he comes across as very real. That's not always a good thing, he claims, and it leaves him second-guessing his own work as not entertaining enough.

He also hates re-watching his matches; we'll just have to do it for him then. Time to fire up TakeOver again.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.