10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (April 20)

7. Hulk Hogan Thought Verne Gagne's Greed Created WrestleMania

WrestleMania I

As much as some of Hulk Hogan's hyperbolic comments in interviews should be taken with a pinch of salt, the legend does occasionally use social media to peel the curtain back. Fresh off an endearing appearance on HBO's André The Giant doc, the Hulkster took to Twitter and credited Verne Gagne for paving the way to WrestleMania I.

Don't wipe your eyes, because you read that one right.

To Hulk, Gagne's decision to demand a portion of his earnings from performances in New Japan changed the course of wrestling history forever. Once Hogan turned Verne's request down, the AWA promoter decided he wouldn't be World Champ long; Hulk only held the belt for six days in 1982 and his reign wasn't officially acknowledged by the AWA.

Shortly thereafter, Hogan joined the WWF, became Vince McMahon's first true pet project and set the ball rolling towards the first 'Mania. In Hulk's words, that may never have happened had Gagne not insulted him with financial demands.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.