10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Aug 11)

6. Kurrgan Ruined His Push By Disco Dancing

Golga Kurrgan

By his own admission, Don Callis did everything he could think of to get himself over as The Jackal in 1997; that was his only concern, because the manager didn't believe he'd be effective to the wrestlers working with him if he wasn't over himself. In retrospect, that was a mistake.

Managing the massive Kurrgan should have been Don's focus, but he was so wrapped up in his own career to help the giant get over with fans. Besides, Kurrgan himself wasn't doing much to sell the idea that he was an unstoppable monster. At the WrestleMania XIV after party, Kurrgan indulged in some disco dancing with his wife, right in front of Vince McMahon.

Callis told Steve Austin's podcast that he watched McMahon's face drop before his very eyes. From that point on, Kurrgan's mega-push as a freakish heel was cancelled and he was turned into the fun-loving member of The Oddities. Kurrgan literally danced his way into a comedy babyface role.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.