10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Aug 11)

5. Charlotte Felt She Had To Play Up To Nepotism Claims

Charlotte Ric Flair

Charlotte has spoken before about being more comfortable as a heel in WWE. Now, the SmackDown star is opening up about her early days on the main roster and just how challenging she found it to read fan backlash on social media. It seems Charlotte hated the idea that she'd used her father's influence to get ahead just as much as fans.

Telling the Ottawa Citizen about her initial despondency over claims of nepotism, Charlotte said she had to make a crucial choice before it was too late. Either she tried to fight the claims and things got worse, or she embraced them and turned the 'silver spoon' idea into a heel characteristic. Flair chose the latter.

Ric's influence will have helped Charlotte's career, but she's also WWE's finest female performer. The decision she made in 2015 to use her father's status and get more heat was a shrewd one. Now, if only she wasn't playing babyface.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.