10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Dec 14)
5. Vince McMahon Was Incensed By Sgt. Slaughter's First Promo

This is the first of two tasty tidbits from Sgt. Slaughter during an interview with Wrestling News.
Upon joining the WWF in 1980, Slaughter was whisked into the studio to record some market-specific promos with then-interviewer Vince McMahon. The only direction Sarge received from Vince Sr. was to act like the biggest heel going. So, he obliged, and decided he'd make a fool of the smartly-dressed young announcer holding the mic.
Slaughter told Vince to "shut your hole" before McMahon could get a question out, then proceeded to make jokes about his body and ask if Ray Charles had cut his hair. One can only picture the steam coming out of Vince's ears at this kind of thing, and it got worse when Slaughter blew cigar smoke in his face.
After the promos, McMahon's face was scarlet, not from embarrassment but from anger. All the boys backstage giggled as they told Slaughter how much Vince hated smoke. Sarge was shocked, even more so when people guessed he might be fired for his actions.