10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Dec 18)

8. Rey Mysterio Recorded His WWE Matches But Never Watched

Towards the end of his WWE run, Rey Mysterio looked like he was running on auto-pilot. The masked man had long struggled with knee injuries which limited his high-flying style. More limited that he had ever been before, Mysterio started to openly talk about returning to his native Mexico. During a recent interview with PodNasty, the former World Heavyweight Champion said that he routinely set WWE shows to record when he was out on the road. The idea behind this was that he could both look back on his own bouts and keep an eye on what everyone else was doing. By his own admission, the vast majority of those shows went unwatched, as the last thing Rey wanted to do when home was watch wrestling. It's surprising that Mysterio simply didn't keep an eye on some other matches from the backstage area. Instead, he would DVR matches and events, then elect against looking back over them when he had the free time. During the interview, Mysterio admits that it was a force of habit to record programming when he knew he had little intention of ever watching it.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.