10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Dec 23)

3. Teddy Long & Eric Bischoff Were Supposed To Come Out At The 2005 Royal Rumble

Stone Cold Smoking Skull

The finish of the 2005 Royal Rumble match is still one people talk about today. Supposed to look like he had barely escaped elimination, Batista was meant to hold on to the ropes and watch John Cena sail to the floor. Losing his grip, Batista tumbled to the ringside mats with Cena.

Confused, officials didn't really know what to do. On WrestleZone Radio, former WWE referee Jimmy Korderas said he and others were instructed via headset to raise each man's hand and buy some time. At that exact moment, management were frantically searching for both Eric Bischoff and Teddy Long backstage.

Unable to find the Raw and SmackDown General Managers, Vince McMahon called an audible and came out to the arena himself. Infamously, he smashed a leg against the ring apron and subsequently tore quadriceps muscles. McMahon must have been furious by what had transpired in one of his biggest matches.

It's interesting to learn that Long and Bischoff were the backup plan. McMahon only emerged because they couldn't be located in the backstage area.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.