10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Dec 27)

9. Bayley Struggled To Cut Off Her Ponytail

Bayley Heel

It's human law that some people enjoy getting their hair cut and others act like the barber/hair dresser is about to stab those scissors into their very soul. Before she lopped off her trademark side pony and became a bob-sporting heel, Bayley fell into the latter camp.

Cutting that ponytail left her in "shock".

She told Detroit News that the self-given haircut was one of the hardest things she's done over the past couple of years. That hair represented more than fans might think to Bayley; the side pony had (literally) grown to define her WWE character. It was one young girls mimicked, and it was one of her most identifiable quirks.

When she actually grabbed the shears and got rid of it, Bayley sat stunned for a spell and pondered whether or not she'd made the right call. It's incredible to think that a simple snip caused so much internal drama in some hotel room on the road.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.