10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Dec 27)

8. An Amazing Donald Trump Story From 'Mania IV

Hulk Hogan Donald Trump

At WrestleMania IV in his very own Trump Plaza venue, one Donald Trump sat at ringside and watched endless tournament matches that choked the four-hour marathon of a show. Best 'Mania ever this wasn't, but the night would be memorable for reasons outside the lifeless 14-man tourney for the future US President.

Amidst the opening Battle Royal, B. Brian Blair of The Killer Bees randomly got bust open and retreated to ringside. There, he told Wrestling Inc he bled all over a horrified Trump and pals. The blood was so intense and so plentiful that Donald actually left his seat, expressed concern for Blair's wellbeing and walked with him backstage.

Then, Trump waited with Brian until an ambulance took him to hospital.

After that show of compassion, Donald went back to posing for publicity shots with Hulk Hogan and took his seat back at ringside to watch the rest of the show. Blair, who didn't actually know who Trump was, never forgot how concerned he was.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.