10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Feb 16)

3. WWE Asked Renee Young To Sell Batteries During Her Audition

Renee Young shock

Renee Young's WWE audition was a scary one, because the company deliberately took Renee out of her comfort zone and asked her to sell batteries.

Seriously, that, according to Young's comments on the Sam Roberts Wrestling podcast, is how WWE weed out those who can't work under pressure. The entire ordeal was a strange one for Renee, but she did her best and also agreed to do some on-the-spot colour commentary alongside Matt Striker.

Renee left the audition believing she'd blown her big chance. She was a "fish out of water" doing the commentary gig and flunked her way through the battery pitch. It wasn't until WWE asked her to try rehearsing a post-show segment that Young came into her own.

She'd previously done that on The Score in Canada (a show WWE were affiliated with), so they must have already known her strengths. It seems the promotion were keen to find out Renee's weaknesses too, and that's why they chucked some AA's at her without prior warning.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.